200229 时间线整理更新至 Map of the Soul: 7的 notes 内容(书的后半章暂缺)。暂时目录还不能滚动,bug待解决。
- 所有日期均为B榜的Chart Debut Date,也就是榜单发布周期的周六(最后一天),会比歌曲发布日期滞后一到两周。
封面、插图和记录均参考了Billboard官网于2020/8/3发布的新闻 https://www.billboard.com/photos/426225/billboard-hot-100-number-1-s...
Earlier this year, word spread through the music industry: The star K-Pop group BTS was on the hunt, prowling for a new single. “It was a bit of...
Dynamite MV中的经典流行文化引用
Include Posters in JK’s room, VHS Cassettes on the floor and Vinyls in the LP store.
Notion version (with individual pictures): https://www.notion.so/raplineroom/References-in-BTS-Dynami...
Club Eskimo 安利简介
▵ Club Eskimo的logo为冰屋 (Igloo) 上顶着一棵棕榈树,是成员Camper负责设计的。
▵ Crew的名字为爱斯基摩俱乐部,爱斯基摩人住在冰屋里吃着生肉,在寒冷的野外过着无拘无束的人生,他们希望他们的音乐也能像爱斯基摩人的生活一样叛逆而野性。
▵ 创始人是Dean和Milli...
Dear Class of 2020 - 奥巴马完整毕业致辞英文稿
Congratulations to the Class of 2020.
Some of you have graduated already, some of you still have finals - all of you should be very proud. Graduation is a big achievement under any circu...
Dear Class of 2020 - 前第一夫人Michelle Obama完整毕业致辞英文稿
Hey, everybody.
It is an honor to be here with you to help celebrate this amazing milestone in your lives. Graduation from college or high school is a culmination of years of hard work, ...
Dear Class of 2020 BTS完整毕业致辞RM部分英文稿
Hello, we are BTS.
And this is RM.
Dear Class of 2020, it’s been a strange year so far, but you made it. Today, we might not have flowers and we might not have graduation caps. W...
Dear Class of 2020 - Beyoncé完整毕业致辞英文稿
Thank you President Obama and Mrs. Obama for including me in this very special day and congratulations to the class of 2020.
You have arrived here in the middle of a global crisis a raci...
K-pop粉丝占据了‘White Lives Matter’话题,淹没掉了“种族歧视”的内容
——原文记者Josh K. Elliott
“White Lives Matter”、“Blue Lives Matter”这样的话题经常被用来批判Black Lives Matter运动,而今天这些话题却被看起来毫无关系的...
SUGA作为Agust D回归的新混音带分析 (节选)
D-2的第一首歌是“Moonlight”,歌词探讨了他和自我持续以来的战斗,以及他在开始音乐生涯之后所经历的变化。歌曲以黑胶搓碟声开始,听起来非常old school,考虑到他是在带我们回顾他的过去,这样...
you.will.knovv / Dean个人厂牌资料
❴ you.will.knovv ❵ 原为2017年权革组建的artist collective(类似冷哥的wavy和刘亚仁的studio concrete),是继16年参与的 ❴ FANXY CHILD ❵ 和本人组建的 ❴ Club Eskim...
艺术家Yiyun Kang参与CONNECT BTS的采访
韩国出生的伦敦艺术家Yiyun Kang被K-pop大势BTS选中参与其全球性公共艺术计划CONNECT, BTS,这个活动围绕着组合的哲学理念,在包括伦敦、纽约、布宜诺斯艾利斯、首尔和柏林五个地点,由22个来自全球各地的艺术家开设展览、体验艺术和沉浸式装置作品。虽然整个项目由现代汽车的前任艺术指导Daehyung Lee执导,但伦敦蛇形画廊的艺术指导Hans Ulrich Obris...